The Role of Carson Area Metropolitan Planning Organization (CAMPO)
The U.S. Census Bureau designated the Carson City urbanized area in 2002. In 2003, the Governor of Nevada designated CAMPO as the agency responsible for metropolitan transportation planning in the Carson City urbanized area, which consists of Carson City, northern Douglas County, and western Lyon County. CAMPO is responsible for creating and updating the following documents.
Unified Planning Work Program (UPWP)
The UPWP is a statement of work identifying the planning priorities and activities to be undertaken within the CAMPO planning area. The UPWP includes a description of planning work and resulting products, details on whom will perform the work, the timeframe for completing each of the work elements, the cost of each of the work elements and the source of funding for each of the work elements.
Transportation Improvement Program (TIP)
The TIP is a prioritized listing of transportation projects covering a period of four years that is developed and formally adopted by CAMPO as part of the metropolitan transportation planning process.
Regional Transportation Plan (RTP)
The RTP is the official multimodal transportation plan that addresses a minimum 20-year planning horizon that is developed, adopted and updated by CAMPO through the transportation planning process.
Public Participation Plan (PPP)
The PPP is developed in consultation with all interested parties and describes the procedures, strategies and desired outcomes of the public participation process as it pertains to the CAMPO transportation planning process.
Nevada Unified Certification Program
CAMPO is a voting member of NUCP, for the purpose of certifying Disadvantaged Business Enterprises (DBEs) who wish to participate in U.S. Department of Transportation-assisted projects in the State of Nevada.
Meetings of the NUCP Committee are generally held on the last Tuesday of each month, at 10:00 a.m. Physical meeting locations rotate each month between the northern and southern parts of the state, but there is opportunity to attend by conference call as well. For the next meeting location and agenda, click here.