Carson City
Carson City Airport is used regularly by private and air taxi operators and is an important hub for business.
2022-R-1 Accepting real property for use as public right-of-way at Schulz Ranch
2022-R-2 Amendment of a lease between the Carson City Sheriff's Office, Nevada Public Works, & the Department of Public Safety's Nevada Highway Patrol
2022-R-3 Authorizing the preparation, distribution, use of, and execution of one or more preliminary official statements
2022-R-4 Augment and amend the 2021-22 budget
2022-R-5 Acceptance of property for use as a public right-of-way at Retail Court
2022-R-6 Acceptance of property for use as a public right-of-way at Arbor Villas
2022-R-7 Acceptance of amendment to a lease between the Carson City Sheriff's Office, Nevada Public Works Division and the Department of Public Safety’s Nevada Highway Patrol
2022-R-8 Authorization of donation of surplus equipment to a non-profit organization
2022-R-9 Declaring the Intention to sell 1.133 acres of Carson City land known as 2621 Northgate Lane, APN 002-062-05
2022-R-10 Report of City Engineer's estimated fiscal year 2023 Assessment Roll for the Downtown Neighborhood Improvement District (DNID)
2022-R-11 Report of City Engineer's estimated fiscal year 2023 Assessment Roll for the South Carson Neighborhood Improvement District (SCNID)
2022-R-12 Consent of relinquishment and land transfer agreement
2022-R-13 Authorization of the disbursement of Community Support Services Grant Funds
2022-R-14 Resolution to offer to purchase private property known as APN 007-091-28
2022-R-15 Setting the tax rate for county cooperative extension for the Fiscal Year 2023
2022-R-16 Adoption of a fee schedule and policy for copies of public records
2022-R-17 Confirming the Downtown Neighborhood Improvement District ("DNID") assessment
2022-R-18 Confirming the South Carson Neighborhood Improvement District ("SCNID") assessment
2022-R-19 Acceptance of property for use of right-of-way, APN 009-052-30 (portion of South Curry Street)
2022-R-20 Augment and amend fiscal year 2021-22
2022-R-21 Interfund loans from General Fund or the Regional Transportation Fund to Carson Area Metropolitan Planning Organization Fund and from General Fund to the Transit Fund
2022-R-22 Transfer of 2022 Private Activity Bond Volume Cap to Nevada Rural Housing Authority
2022-R-23 Levy the FY 2022-23 ad valorem tax rates
2022-R-25 Authorization of $47,000 from FY 2023 Redevelopment Revolving Fund to support various arts and culture events and projects
2022-R-26 Amendment of residential building permit allocations under Carson City Growth Management ordinances for years 2023 and 2024
2022-R-27 Directing notice to the Carson City Debt Management Commission
2022-R-28 Permits Carson City to subordinate its interest in 2.91 acres of land through a subordination agreement
2022-R-29 Resolution of intent to issue general obligation (limited tax) infrastructure sales tax bonds (additionally secured by pledged revenues)
2022-R-30 Authorization of the expenditure of $2,301,998 from the FY 2023 Redevelopment Revolving Fund to support various events, incentives and capital improvement projects
2022-R-31 Provides for the transfer of Carson City's 2023 private activity bond volume cap to the director of the Nevada Department of Business and Industry
2022-R-32 Acceptance of real property for use as a public right of way at Schulz Ranch Subdivision- Phase 4